Friendship Across Boundaries
The Seasonal Practice:
Sin has broken us up. Separated us from God and each other. This habit celebrates the fact that because of the incarnation, brotherhood and sisterhood are made possible again. Friendships - even across deep divides - are possible in the unity and transcendent love of Christ. Even more, friendships are a practice that embodies the reconciliation that Christ will bring.
This habit is designed to get us into conversation with someone we ordinarily would not talk to, or at least on not such a deep level. Whether it is a coffee or a lunch, or inviting someone over for Christmas dinner, we invite you to have one good and long conversation with someone across a boundary.
This might be someone in your family across the boundary of a previous fight. But consider making it across a racial, political or economic boundary. Seek out someone distinctly unlike you, and ask questions to hear their story. Try to lean into why in the love of Christ, we have so much more in common that not.
(This habit was curated with the help of Arrabon.)