The Daily Practice:
The Common Rule includes daily rhythms of embrace and celebration, but we also need daily rhythms of resistance and waiting. We need to practice saying "No" to our default cultural formation in excess, selfishness and consumerism, in order to say "Yes" to the love of God and neighbor.
One of these practices of waiting and resistance is the practice of waiting to look at your phone until after you have read a short passage of Scripture.
This is the daily rhythm of resistance that is intended to embrace the love of God by resisting the formation of the utter chaos that all arrives at our heart’s doorstep through our phones.
In this practice, we come back to the habit of waking up and ask: What are we looking for?
Our phones play a significant role in forming our emotions in the morning, and in dictating what we will pay attention to today.
In this practice, we encourage you to read a bit of scripture before you look at your phone in the morning.
Arrabon has curated a list of daily readings here, that will not only draw you into the Advent season, but will also draw your attention and hearts to the hope of the reconciliation that Jesus will bring.
You can download the PDF here or below to put them on your coffee table or beside your bed, or in a pinch, you can read them on your phone here. (Yes, we see the irony in that. But little steps are better than nothing!)